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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The weather has been beautiful here in Minnesota this week. Sunshine, unexpected warm temperatures, and low winds have really brightened the mood of the people here who have endured another Minnesota winter. With this beautiful weather, our snow has mostly all melted, except of course in the places where the piles from plowing were as high as buildings. In these areas the dirty snow is now just a very small pile that we look at with a bit of contempt and wish it would just let go already.

With the melting of the snow the ground has emerged and things are already looking to have a bit of a green tinge to them. Unfortunately, the snow has uncovered other things that have been residing under those giant piles. In one place last week we saw shopping carts sticking out of the melting snow pile next to a bus stop. On the ground though, we've found numerous pieces of trash and litter and things that have been blown around and trapped by the snow.

Driving into our apartment complex every day, I notice the large amount of litter that covers our ground and into the tree line of woods that surrounds our buildings. The dumpster facility for our buildings is close by and things blow out and have been waiting to be uncovered by the warm sunshine. Wanting to get out of the house and let my kids enjoy the warm weather yesterday, it occurred to me that we should go out and pick up the litter. Instead of just complaining about it (which is my normal way of dealing with it), we should grab our bags and go for a little litter walk.

The kids were enthusiastic about it, especially if it meant climbing through the woods in hunt of the elusive plastic bag or shiny wrapper caught on the trees beyond the path. My son lost interest fairly quickly and chose to make the random sticks into guitars instead, but later, as they were just playing, he found a pop can and was very proud of himself for bringing it to me. We filled up two bags of trash and I think we got a good lesson in care of creation as we did it. It reminded me of when I picked up trash on the side of the road with a Girl Scout group on one of those adopt a highway programs when I was younger.

It was a good time outside for a hidden teaching about how we care for God's creation around us--and the treeline looked mighty good when I drove out of the parking lot this morning if I do say so myself!

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